Call Before You Dig Web Banner

Digging Safely is More than a Call or Click

For your safety, before you do any yard work that requires digging; you should place a request for a locate service.

SYNERGY NORTH will receive the request and provide an underground cable location service at no charge during normal working hours within 5 working days from your request.

Ontario One Call will help you to identify companies who may have underground cables and forward a locate request to each of these companies.

How to Request a Locate

  1. Submit a locate request at
  2. When planning your project, be sure to contact Ontario One Call a minimum of five business days’ prior to digging.
  3. Wait for a certified utility representatives to clearly mark where any underground infrastructure runs through your property.
  4. If markings are not required, you will still be contacted by SYNERGY NORTH to notify that your work area is clear. Do not dig until you have been contacted.
  5. Locate any private underground lines on your property.
  6. Once you have your locates, be sure to practice safe digging by: keeping a safe digging distance, always digging by hand around paint marks and following any additional instructions provided by each utility.
  7. Backfill the area, making sure to remove large objects
  8. Visit Ontario One Call FAQ’s for more information.

Before proceeding with work near buried cables, please refer to our Excavation Guidelines and/or visit the Electrical Safety Authority.

Making contact with underground power lines can cause serious injury – even death, so please plan ahead.

Contact Ontario One Call when digging for:

  • Tree planting
  • Fence Posts
  • Decks
  • Pool Excavation
  • Party Tents
  • Children’s Inflatable Activity Centers
  • Anytime you are going to put an anchor peg or shovel in the ground

Ontario One Call

Following up with SYNERGY NORTH

If you need to follow-up on a locate request please call 807-343-1111, please note you must have a ticket number from the Ontario One Call service.